Won't you join in on the fun?
Bilbo....with a big grin and watering can!
Do you see Bilbo?
Dirt Princess with Bilbo

This is the FIRST Bilbo post. Please read the rules below to participate.
Bilbo will be starting his big adventure today. He will be on his way to Jackson, Mississippi to visit Ginger at Law of the Land (http://lawofthelandblog.blogspot.com/)this afternoon. Once Ginger receives Bilbo...the fun will begin. Please check in with Ginger to check out her post on Bilbo as soon as she gets him. The fun begins at Law of the Land, so please leave your comments there if you want to participate.
#1) COPY & PASTE these rules into your post on Bilbo if you receive him. The post must be titled WHERE IN THE WORLD IS BILBO: (your city). If everyone copies the rules, then the person you send it to will know what to do. If each post is titled the same, we can keep track of Bilbo and follow him on his adventure. PLEASE do not forget to copy and paste these rules into your post if you receive Bilbo.
#2) In order to participate you MUST leave a comment on the post about Bilbo with the blogger that has him. That blogger will draw names from the people who left comments on that post. Once the winner is selected Bilbo will be on his way to see your garden.
#3) When you receive Bilbo please take a photo (or photos) of him in your garden as well as a photo of yourself with Bilbo.
#4) Rules are linked to http://northmobilegardensociety.blogspot.com/ . Please leave a comment on The Dirt Princess' page so she can keep track of him and let other bloggers know where Bilbo is, and post where bloggers can see his latest travel.
#5) Please try to get Bilbo out the door as quickly as you possibly can. If at all possible please try not to keep him more than 7 days. We want to get him to as many places as we can in 6 months.
#6) Bilbo will travel for 6 months, April 21, 2009- October 21, 2009. If you have Bilbo at the end of this 6 month time frame, you will ship him back to the Dirt Princess at http://northmobilegardensociety.blogspot.com/.
#7) When Bilbo arrives back with the Dirt Princess, there will be a great post letting everyone know where Bilbo has been, when he visited as well as links to the bloggers posts that had Bilbo.
#8) There will be a list enclosed with Bilbo for each blogger to sign once they receive Bilbo. That list will be sent back to the Dirt Princess.
#9) Should anyone have any questions please contact Dirt Princess at
#10) The blogger that is has possession of Bilbo is responsible for shipping him to the next blogger. Please handle him with care. He is ceramic.
#11) Bilbo may be shipped to countries outside the United States. We want everyone to join in on the fun!
#12) If you would like to throw in a little something with Bilbo to ship the next blogger, please feel free. Add to the excitement. See what Bilbo brings you when he arrives at your door step.
Have fun and DON'T forget to copy the rules into your post when you receive Bilbo.
And he's off............................
I'm so excited!!! Bilbo must be sad to leave your beautiful garden, but he'll enjoy his world travels!
Ginger - Bilbo is excited to see your garden in Jackson, Mississippi. Just think of all the amazing places Bilbo will see on his journey. Don't forget to copy the rules please :)
LOL! Sooo sweeeet!
Yay! I can't wait to see where all Bilbo goes. What a good idea :)
Princess I can't believe you didn't send Bilbo here first to hang out with St.Francis!! :(
Linda - Isn't he too cute!
Lisa - I am so excited
Darla - Thanks
WP - Bilbo had some legal problems, and I thought Ginger could help him with them while he was there.
Ya'll be sure to comment on Gingers post Where In the World is Bilbo when she posts. If you don't get picked, check back in with me to see where he will be going next.
I'm in, looks like it will be fun and to track him will be very interesting.
I will be following him too, and hope he can make a stop in the Seattle area.
Bilbo will be on his way vis UPS in about an hour!!! I will keep everyone updated.
Brilliant idea, I love it! And great choice of item :) Bon voyage, Bilbo.
LOL: "Bilbo had some legal problems" :)
I can't wait to get him and will post as soon as I do!!
Bilbo would get a kick out of Miracle Eve, Jack, Belle, Annie, and all the critters here on our Georgia farm.
What a fun idea!
This is going to be fun to watch!
Such a creative way to follow Bilbo. I am looking forward to Bilbo's adventures.
EB - I hope Bilbo gets to visit you :)
Ginger - Bilbo is on his via UPS. He will be at your place tomorrow!
Pam - Bilbo would LOVE them as much as I do :)
K&V - Isn't it fun! Maybe you can take Bilbo running with you ....LOL!
ooooh, perhaps Bilbo would like to come to summer camp and play with the campers? And maybe visit the herb garden and help me make some soap? we could keep him well occupied, if he fancies a visit!
ps - am shipping your box later this week. enjoy the soap!
Everyone: Bilbo has landed in Jackson! Come check him out!!
Bilbo's post is up!
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