I have been photographing the progression of my hydrangea blooms. I thought it would be interesting to watch them bloom. Some are faster than others, I have a few hydrangeas that have not yet bloomed. They are slowly getting there. They should bloom after all this rain!
This is one of the lacecap hydrangeas. You can click on the collage to enlarge it. This is ONE plant, all these buds/blooms are from the same plant.
This is the hydrangea my mom rooted for me from my grandmas hydrangea. Again...this is one plant. I am amazed at the color variation on this one plant. There are atleast 5-6 color variations on it. The photos at the bottom of the collage have been taken within the past 4 days. The blooms are light blue, white, peach, pale pink, lavender and cream. I am fascinated by them!