I'm a few days late.
This was supposed to be for Fertilizer Friday, but I had some set backs on Friday and wasn't able to post.
This is day 5 of the Gallery of Gardens Tour. This was my favorite garden. It was actually one of the smallest gardens on the tour.
I had a lot to say about this post before I got some bad news, then I just forgot what I was going to say. So I will just let the pictures speak for themselves.
I am very sad to hear of the passing of a fellow blogger friend,http://gardeningbytrialanderror.blogspot.com/. She passed away last week after being diagnosed with cancer. I have missed her posts, and her hilarious comments. I never met or spoke with her, I didn't know what she looked like, but she was my friend. I wish I had known she was sick, but she clearly wanted to keep that to herself. She was always so positive and uplifting, and I'm sure that's how she was until the end. She was a special lady. We learned that we had a lot in common, we both played the piano by ear, and loved purple.
Hard to believe someone you have never met or spoke to could touch you. Everyday so many of you me. I feel like I know ya'll, even though we may have never met or spoken. You open a window of your life for the world to see, and you never know who you will leave an impression on.
I will be keeping her family and friends in my thoughts and prayers.

I am sorry for your loss. My husband laughs when I refer to my online friends as "FRIENDS"... but they are. We feel the connection. We need not walk hand in hand to share a heart.
I clearly see why this tour was your favorite! Wonderful unique personality throughout these grounds......Linda will be missed.
Wow April! What a gorgeous house. I adore the brick and balconies. What great garden decor. Some great old pieces. I would be in decor heaven going through that garden. LOL!
I am so glad you decided to post this late as it is a wonderful tour and tribute.
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