Happy Friday! I am joining Tootsie today for Fertilizer Friday.
I will kick things off with a splash of color.....
I'm not sure what this is to be honest with you. I think it is some type of azalea??? I dunno. It is old. It has been here forever.
I have been making new flower beds. The Dirt Queen (aka my mom) and the Hydrangea Queen (aka my buddy) have been giving me lots of plants. I don't have enough beds made to plant them in yet....
A few irises, phlox, sage, salvia...all kinda goodies.
My wonderful just happens to like digging in the dirt also. So he helps out alot around the yard. I had a ton of zinnia and coneflower seeds left over from a few years ago. We tilled up this strip just so I could throw the seeds out and let them come up.
As you can see there are a lot more flowers in there than zinnias and coneflowers!!! Well, when I was making other flower beds, I sprayed the grass with some mega weed killer. Soooo....I couldn't plant these plants in those spots or they would have keeled over. This strip was the best spot to park them for now. They will get a new home later on in the year.
This is one of the beds I worked on. That gas tank...sigh...how ugly is that thing!!!! That's ok...I planted some phlox, bee balm and crocosmia around it. It will soon be covered up. I also planted several hydrangeas under the Japanese Magnolia.
It's not real pretty right now...but it will be.
The area in front of the shed will eventually be a huge flower bed. I have grand plans for this one. I also have grand plans for the ladder to make its way to the other side of the shed. Those chair cushions need a makeover too.
I eventually will expand this bed to include the area around and between the bird bath.
Sunday I painted the swing. It seemed like a good idea at the time. It was until I got to all those slats! Ugh!!! It does look a million times better though (and so does that cushion because I just recovered it!).
The ladder got a fresh coat of paint also...it was much easier to paint
This is a Seven Sisters Rose. I got it from my old neighbors. They had it covering a fence. It is absolutely gorgeous. For the past 3+ years I have had them in huge pots on a trellis. They weren't doing good at all. I CAREFULLY un-tangled them and planted them here on this arbor (which I probably also should have painted). They are doing great and I expect them to bloom in May.
I just kinda sat all this stuff here for now. I kinda like it.
Birds.....last week we had them.
Now we don't. This is Casper. Casper adopted us. She also like to eat Blue Buntings and Yellow finches!!!
We haven't seen many birds the past few days, or hummingbirds. I hope Casper doesn't run them off. We really enjoy sitting outside watching the birds. It's the little things in life....
I don't know what these two were doing.....
But I think this one was looking for Casper.
I think that we haven't seen any hummers lately due to the cooler temps. I dunno. I don't know that Casper could catch a hummingbird.....?
This is the one that was just feeding. It eats then rests.
This is his buddy. He rests....
...then eats.
I see them sitting in various trees. They don't seem to mind us. Hope they show back up soon!
We have a big field behind out house. We tilled up two big strips across it. In the first one I planted zinnia and coneflower seeds. In the second one I planted sunflowers. I think it will be REALLY pretty when they bloom. I have been lugging 300 ft of waterhose back there to water them until they take off. Dedication!
Have a great weekend!

Your decorations are just wonderful and funky! The birds are fantastic but I can understand if Kitty thinks they're lunch! Great post.
I feel your pain about the gas tank. We call ours the bomb and he bomb is sitting right in our way, close to the house. We hate it there and I am sure the gas company would move it for us for $$$. Hubbie has plans for a fence around it to hide it. Will be happy when he does. I have a zinnia patch too, which is coming along really good. I love having them as cut flowers in the house and at work. Everything is looking good at your place. Have a great weekend! Carol
Well I can see you are enjoying making garden beds again. I love the plans you have made for your new beds. The head board corner with the garden decor is just so cute April. And I love the ladder. You have some great things going on. Have a wonderful weekend and hug baby for me. :)
I am so happy that I had some time to pop over here today and see what you shared! It is great to finally be able to flaunt some of my own spring blessings and get inspired by some of the best gardens online!
Thank you so much for joining in on my little party this week! I hope to see you again soon!
I have missed the royal family of dirt...and always love seeing what you share April...big hugs to you...and give that baby some sweet little kisses for us! xoxo
Have a great weekend!
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I came here through Tootsie's meme. It sounds like you have been very busy - and have lots of plans! I have one of those gas tanks. They are hard to beautify! I think your rose will be very happy in the ground. And I've heard that they actually like the rust - I guess iron gets into the ground when it rains? I have had one cat catch a hummingbird before - we immediately moved the feeder way up high! I hope Casper is not as good a hunter as that!
Love all your plants, plants and posies on my garden walk today - I look forward to watching your yard some to life over the summer! Thanks for sharing, Paula in Idaho
Have you bought/tried the new crinkle hoses. I haven't but mom has and she is buying a third one - she loves it. I am going to a couple of them. Busy busy girl. I love putting in new gardens. Yours will be beautiful soon with lots of blooms. Great that hubby likes to get into the dirt too and so will little one. You didn't post a pic of her. You have to slip a pic in every post.
Everything is looking great. At first glance I thought taht kitty was up to no good. :0)
Wow! You have some great looking plans and already things are looking so pretty! Nice job. Love all the birds.
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