As you know, Bilbo is now at home. He came home a little beaten up. I'm sure if I had traveled around the world like he did, I would be a little beaten up as well.

After a foot transplant, he recovered fine, and is now rested up. He wanted me to show everyone all the goodies he brought home from his trip. I was amazed at what all he had packed in his box!!
He brought home something from nearly each place he visited, England, Italy, Ireland, Malaysia, Canada......
He managed to pick up brochures and post cards as well
The little world traveler even found time to label his luggage with each place he had off!
He told me about touring the brewery and how good the beer was. He said he couldn't handle but a sip or two before he got drunk. He explained that was where the first crack in his head came to many sips of beer!
He bragged of all the wonderful food he had eaten on his journeys, but explained to me that the funnel cakes of the North Dakota State Fair were the best he had tasted!
We talked about Canada Day and what it meant. He picked up some Sweet Pea seeds for us to plant so he can remember that day.
He was very excited to tell me about visiting Buckingham Palace and getting to see the Queen. He liked to rub it in since I didn't get to see the Queen while I was there.
He loved visiting with the children at each home he stayed at.
Milan however, was his favorite. He told me that I would have to take him back there. That I would love all of the old buildings and the exquisite architecture. He said the expresso's were pretty good too!
But that Nezzy was a hoot he said!! She sent him back with some herd seeds so he can have his own herd. Now I'm not real sure where Bilbo is going to put his herd! If they are the same size as him, then thats fine.
He slept well on his pillow while he traveled, bundled up with his scarf when it was cold, and looked cool in his shades even though it was warm.
He says we must go back to visit Bangchik and Kakdah in Malaysia, they were super nice, and quite crafty. They sent him home with a nice little basket for his luggage.
He hasn't stopped talking about the places he has been and the people he has met!
Ginger at Law of the Land gave him some pretty good legal advice, and also taught him some Green tips (that he has kindly shared with me)
He hasn't stopped talking about the Potato Head's (Yukon and Russet Potato) he met while visiting Kim & Victoria at Our Life Idaho. He likes to watch their videos regularly.
He is still trying to find those socks from Prairie Chicken at Here on the Prairies
And if I have to hear about Catherine's pond one more time from A Gardener In Progress! Yes Bilbo....we will build a pond...sheesh!!! Thanks Catherine.
Then there is sadness when he reflects on loosing his dear Jane in Lincolnshire, England while visiting Julie at My English Country Garden (this blog is now private). I hope he will one day be able to move on.
He said he wants to have Anna's energy!!! She is full of life and spunk. He said she nearly wore him out while he was visiting her place in Clemmons, North Carolina.
However, when he arrived in Ireland, he was glad he decided to stay on his journey. He said he didn't have Organic Growing Pains!
When he learned he would be traveling to London he was beyond thrilled, since his "mum" had spent some time there. He was excited to see the places I had shown him the pictures. "Big Ben, is much larger than I thought" he said. He is still speaking with a little British twang!!!
He went on and on about the gardens in Cumbria, England and how sad he was about the flood that destroyed them. I told him that we would go back there soon, and that the gardens would be as beautiful as they were when he was there.
"Oh the cathedrals are magnificent", he said. Yes indeed they are. I was beyond thrilled to have his photo taken inside of the cathedral in Gloucester while visiting Nip It In the Bud.
"I am not a Seminole fan", was the first thing he told The Hunter when he stepped out of his box. He said Darla tried really hard to convert him while he was visiting with her family and flowers.
Briana in New Mexico, taught him to stop and smell the roses when he can't decide.
He praised Carla for making the most of his trip in Lake Fork, Texas. He can't swim, and he was worried the rain and flooded would wash him away. He said Carla made the most of his journey, and he had a relaxed stay.
Milan, Milan, Milan......he hasn't stopped talking about Milan!!! I am just going to have to go there so I can see what all the fuss is about. Sue, get that Balcony Garden ready!
"You have to see the snow", he said. "It was so much, and so deep, and I could have drowned in that snow!" Luckily for him, his hostess, Gittan, knitted him a warm little scarf! He also got to enjoy Christmas in Sweden. He says I have to get a few recipes from Gittan to bake for him this Christmas.
When he arrived in Malaysia, the first thing to go was that scarf! He said it is hotter there than it is here at home (which I find hard to believe, but I'm going to take his word for it). He raved about the little vegetable garden in Putrajaya...but he said it's not so little. His baggage was a little worn out, so Bangchik and Kakdah sent him off with a nice new set of luggage.
"Those blonds were a mess! They were so funny....and they were pretty hot too", he said of his Tootsie Time!!! Fast cars, and fast women....well he said the only fast woman was Tootsie running out to the green house to fertilize on Fridays!
He felt at home in the Hocking Hills, will his distance cousins down in that hollow. He says we need to call Lona soon, he wants to catch up on all of his kin.
"I was in a cow patty surprise with Nezzy!", he says....yes Bilbo you were! He said that was one hootin', shootin', scootin' of a good time down in the Ozarks!!! Well, until somebody got shingles......
And then there was the funnel cakes.....Jessica....don't you know you are not supposed to feed gnomes funnel cakes. He is still licking sugar off his toes!!!
His next trip will be to Hattiesburg, Mississippi to visit his step-brother at's time for them to meet!