TGIF!!! Today I am linking up with my old friend Tootsie...well she's not old....ya'll know what I mean!!! I am joining her for Fertilizer Friday!
I bought an old chest of drawers at an antique store last week and had to go pick it up. I enlisted the Hydrangea Queen to help me do this.
When we were headed back home, I was driving and blabbering about something and she yells, "BULBS!!!". So I turn around and go back up the road and see this.....
It was an old lot where an house used to be and it was covered in daffodils!!
Ofcourse we didn't have a shovel in the truck...but we did find some sticks we used to dig a few bulbs up!
There were also a few snowdrops
I think these are called Butter and Eggs??? Not real sure.
Needless to say we plan on going back and getting more ;-)
Please go check out my new website called dirt. It is my new design website. If you need any design services I would be glad to help you! Come check it out.