In South Alabama we don't get to see the leaves change during the fall. Well, actually I do get to see some leaves change..only because my next door neighbor has a Japanese Maple in their front yard. We do have some slight change in leaves here....but not as bold as the northern regions. Our trees usually go from green to brown. We have to get Fall color from other places. So will see Fall colors.....Southern Style. These pictures are from my garden as well as The Hydrangea Queen's (Ramona).
Taken @ Ramona's garden
Mexican flame vine from Ramona's garden. I have one of never bloomed. Clearly it isn't getting enough sun. It is on my list of 20+ things to move this weekend!
Ramona's Pagoda Plant...isn't it awesome. Hers is a few years old, so it is much bigger than mine...but I LOVE it! It is such a neat plant.
The bloom is pretty large....and very unique.
I love to see the changes in the colors on hydrangeas......
Ramona had this plant at here house, but my mom also used to have it at her old house. Ramona called it an October Flower, but mom called it a Swamp Sunflower. They used to grow wild up at my grandparents, and that's what everyone called them...Swamp Sunflower. I kinda like that that's what I am going to call it!
It gets really tall.....over 10+ feet. Mom said it grows aggressively...similar to mexican Petunia. I can deal with that. I just pull my un-wanted Mexican Petunia up whenever I see it somewhere I don't want it to grow. Now this time next year....I may hate this Swamp Flower, and dig every bit of it up....but that's why this blog is named Trials & Tribulations of a Southern Gardener.

I have the prettiest trees on the block in fall. Two of them are in really bad shape and need to come down before they fall down, but I can't bear to do it both because of the shade and the fall color. They won't turn for another month, though. I'll feature them then!
My mexican flame vine never flowered either. I didn't realize it's a perennial but it must be from the way you are talking about it. I'm going to move mine too then!
The photos are awesome! It is more awesome that I can now tell you this!! :)
I've got to have one of those Pagoda plants!! * MUWAH *
Beautiful Fall color...Southern Style...Your Dogwoods, Crepes and Bradford Pear Trees don't put on a show? Ours do for a short time...then everything is kind of brown....I love the Pagoda!!
Beautiful flower pics. It was 38 here again this morn and the prediction of frost at the end of the week. It's always like a funeral around here the day we get the killing frost and the plants turn that sappy brownish-black color.
I go int mourning mode.
Have a very blessed Autumn day!!!
Some lovely autumn colours
I found some! I've got 2 Pagoda plants being shipped next Tuesday!!
YEAH !!! :)
I LOVE Ramona's Pagoda Plant. How gorgeous and mammoth is that? And the hydrangeas changing are a site. Especially the one not ready to quit blooming. Talk about giving it's all! Everything still looks pretty good DP. We're going fast here and everything turning orange!
I haven't deserted ya - just haven't been around much lately but hopefully getting back to my routine.
my goodness!!! you have some pretty fall colors. I hope one day to visit your neck of the world....and have some big fun with you!
when I read your posts...I try to imagine you saying the words that I am reading...I LOVE your wonderful accent!
will try to call you soon...I am up to my neck in pink insulation right now...just took a bathroom break and saw your comment! better be getting back to work!
p.s. things are good
didn't do anything yet.
Nice "southern style" fall. I like it!
I enjoyed looking at all these wonderful fall colors DP. Love that Mexican Flame vine. I don't think I have ever seen that before.
Thanks for leaving your sweet comments regarding my Blotanical award. I was hoping you'd win, you got my vote girl.
I just loooove your pics...the flowers are beautiful...thanks so much for sharing.
The colours are gorgeous! Love the hydrangeas... flowers changing colours... so cool!
You have some gorgeous flowers and they do look good changing to their Autumn attire. Our trees are going nuts.
I signed your guest book long time ago and today it wouldn't let me change to the Bilbo avatar. I'll try later.
I didn't realize that the trees didn't change there, I just assumed the same thing happened everywhere. You still have lots of beautiful fall color. I love that Swamp sunflower!
Ginger I can't wait to see them. I am moving my vine so it can get more sun. It is a perennial here (should be there as well). It needs full sun.
Carol I am glad we got that little problem solved! You will love the pagoda plant!
Darla...they do put on a show...but I don't have any of those in my yard, nor do my neighbors. I am going to get pics of my neighbors maple when it begins to change...which should be soon
Nezzy you are so dang funny! A funeral! But I do is sad to see all of the plants die.
Joanne thanks
RG I can't wait for my pagoda plant to get that big! That one hydrangea is the strangest thing. They are pretty when they change. Our plants never really stop growing here....seems that something is always in bloom, pansies & snapdragons will be planted soon, then the daffodils will be up in January.
Tootsie...funny you say that...because when I read your blog...I am reading it as though you are saying it...LOL!!!
K&V...I bet you have some awesome fall colors!
Susie...thanks! It was fun given this was our first year...I think the new bloggers did pretty good! There were a lot of us on there!
Linda thanks!
Stephanie thanks, I wish I could dry the hydrangeas and make them stay that color!
flowergardengirl...I can't wait to see your fall post! I looked back at some winter photos you had taken and was blown away!
Catherine...the trees do change to an extent. It is just not as drastic as cooler areas. I suppose this is because we normally go from hot to cold, there are very few "cool" days here. Right now the weather is perfect...but it won't stay that way. It will get hot again soon. There have been Christmas' that I remember wearing short sleeves!
Hello. I just love your Hydrangea photos! They are kind of tough to grow here in the desert. Not many of our leaves turn vibrant colors either. Usually green to brown...
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