
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Help me out here

Let's take a look around the front yard shall we.....
This is the bed I made about a month ago. Everything in it is doing well. I planted hollyhock, lupine, cosmos, daisies and zinnia in it this weekend. I want to get a climbing rose to add to the lamp post. This bed was also expanded about a month ago. I also planted the same seedlings in this bed. I will be adding a climbing rose on each column soon...I want something to give me height and I really love a good climbing rose.
Here is a semi shot of the front yard.....the right side is now dull and boring. The round bed in the center of the yard has been a pain in the rear. Weeds thrive in that bed. Last year I ripped everything out except the Japanese Magnolia. I dug out the soil, put down plastic liner and added soil and mulch. Well that is great for keeping weeds out...but it also keeps me out. It is a royal pain to plant anything in it due to the plastic. I have to cut through it to plant....sigh...always something huh!
The left side of the yard...looks much better now than it did 2 months ago.'s where I need the help. This bed needs to be TOTALLY renovated. I want to remove the 4 boxwoods (I know they need trimming...), and 3 nandinas. But then what do I do? In this bed I have the following that I will keep:
-Daylilies -Vinca
-Lantana -Verbena
-Mexican Heather -Plumbago
-Zinnia -Cosmos
-Irises -Crepe Myrtle
I want a layered effect. Something tall, then medium. I do not want azaleas. I am not tied down to keep the Crepe Myrtle in that spot. I would like something tall to the left, center, and right of the windows, then something a bit short in front of the windows...make sense? So help me out here. What do ya'll think? What should I do with this bed. Give me some ideas.......


Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Good morning! I love boxwoods... What if to trim them low and keep going with your plan? Will be there space for new plants?
If I lived close to you, I'd come and grab them! Good luck1 Will wait for the pictures!
BTW, thanks for the music!

Dirt Princess said...

Tatyana - I have ponder over this one for a while...I have cut them down, and I'm just not feeling it. They take up a ton of space. I can pack them up and ship them to you..LOL!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I think your design idea sounds good. I can't believe how many people plant shrubs in front of windows and then can't see out their window anymore. Do you want the taller plants to be evergreen? I like the crepe in the middle. You could even put trellis up and grow vines on it if you don't mind it being bare in the winter. Your house reminds me of ours. I wish I could be more help, but I'm sure you'll get some great suggestions!

Dirt Princess said...

Catherine - I don't mind a trellis at all. I am thinking about hydrangeas. They have a new version out that is full sun. That may be nice between the windows? I may play around with it in photoshop and see how it would look

Unknown said...

Some Hibiscus would be pretty. They have different sizes of those. What about some Gaura or some of the Loropetalum or even Golden Euonymus? You know I could go on and on. Gotta go get kids from school right now. Look some of these up...I was trying to think of color year round, Loropetalum is great for that and it blooms. I'll think and try to get back over here.

Davy Barr said...

Why not something fragrant around those windows so you can open them and perfume the house? I'm thinking of sweet olives, banana shrubs, gardenias, butterfly bushes. Might want to consider an althea or two as well, though they aren't fragrant.

Dirt Princess said...

Darla - Loropetalum was one I was thinking of. I will look up Gaura, I am not familiar with it. Thanks

Davy - Sweet olive sinds good, and butterfly bush would be great as well. I have 2 altheas on the side of the house. May be good to incorporate them in the front as well.

Unknown said...

Butterfly Bush sounds lovely too! Guara is wonderful.......whirling butterflies! Got to hand the computer over to our 8th grade procrastinator!! Be back later...

tina said...

I am liking your plans. The boxwoods do look good, but too tall for sure. Maybe plant an abelia to the left and right of those windows? Keep the crepe in the middle. Then maybe some Helleri holly under the windows to make the complete backbone of the garden. Then move out from there with perennials to get your layered effect. I find it easier with foundation beds to stick with a particular color with perennials (say red or white or blue) and then fill in with annuals. Good luck.

Dirt Princess said...

Tina - My little garden coach! I knew you would come thru for me ;). That does sound good.

I REALLY appreciate everyones ideas. I am making a list

Carol Murdock said...

DP...Lorapedlum gets "tiring" we have lots and I would like to get rid of some! The Dinner Plate Hibiscus that comes back every year would look great there! Or put something that smells and blooms like Banana Shrub,Gardenias or Sweet olives!

Anonymous said...

I can't think under pressure! LOL Tina's right Abelias are nice. Do they all weep or just the one I have? Spireas are nice too and smaller - my Little Princess stays under the window height. Your other gardens look great. Actually, so does this one but I know - if it doesn't work for you then ya need to change it to be happy!

MILLIE said...

I vote for hibiscus, gardenias and the holly, but what do I know? My goodness--you live in town and you live in the south. Can't wait to see what you decide on. It will be beautiful. Tell the hunter that it is gobbler season here in Ohio. We've been hunting a little, but gardening more.

Cathy S. said...

How about Peegee hydrangeas, upright salvia (they bloom most of the summer) Black eyed susans or orange cone flowers, and ornamental grass, and
butterfly weed. Just some suggestions, even though my front yard could use some help too ;)

Debbie's Garden said...

I have no idea what kind of plants to suggest for your warm area. but I do think a tall trellis between the windows with a beautiful rose would be pretty for starters. My personal taste would be to not have a straight garden against the straight house too. Curves. If you curved out from the house right between the windows you could put a small ornamental tree and it wouldnt be close to the house.

Rose said...

I'm no help at all here. I'm trying to decide what to do with the front of my house, and also help my son with a little landscaping for his. So many images whirling in my head, I can't decide! I do love hydrangeas, though, and think they would make an excellent addition here, especially a "Limelight." I look forward to seeing the finished project!

Vonnie said...

The best advise I've ever been given about landscaping is that it's best to move shrubs and landscaping away from the house. It give the yard new dimension. I personally love a pink crepe myrtle against a brown or brick house background.

Jesikarena said...

I love the butterfly bush and the hydrangea idea! I am a huge fan of endless summer hydrangea. but of course if you did that you would have to put them in between the windows since they get pretty big!

Ginger said...

I pretty much had to start over in my very similar front bed. We ditched the boxwoods and planted lorapetalums. Spaced them pretty far apart because while I want them to be anchors in the bed, esp in the winter, I don't want them to grow into a hedge. I also have one butterfly bush out there, but it dies back in the winter. Around and between the shrubs, I have planted all sorts of random perennials - aster, coneflowers, BES, iris, crocosmia, daylillies, phlox, daisies, mexican petunia, obedient plant. Some of it may be tacky together, but if so, I'll move it later. You have to start somewhere!

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